I call my self a hope researcher. I am interested of what is
hope and where it comes from? Why someone is hopeful and the other one hopeless
in same situation? If you you are interested of hope you’ll eventually become
interested of pain and suffering, sorrow, vulnerability, joy, creativity and compassion.
Hope, as well as love is not only about emotions, it is about acting. It is
acts towards to one you believe in being behind of all this, towards yourself
and towards to all living creatures.
There is another seven names for love and they are Agape,
Amor, Eros, Philautia, Philia, Pragma and Ludus. They are all about emotions
but also acts.
Agape means divine
love from God who has created us human beings as His image. God’s love is patient
and compassionate, truthful and eternal.
Amor and Eros are small sized chubby round brothers, wings on their backs representing passionate love, sexual
attraction and strong feelings to other person. I guess many of you have met
Amor’s arrow, it doesn’t leave you cold in any sense.
Philia is a form
of warm love to your family and friends. It is bonding with people close to you
and sense of belonging.
Philautia is you.
The one who should look at you in loving eyes, talk to you in supportive voice
and applause you when you succeed.
Pragma makes
strong marriage. It is realistic expectations to your spouse, willingness to compromise
and good deeds in family. It is love towards grandchildren. It is strong,
patient and approving love. You practise pragma when you stay even if you would
like to escape and seek for harmony when you feel like arguing.
The last love is Ludus.
It is a joy of life and living in ease. It offers an escape from daily routines and
worries. Ludus is parental love and love to your pets.
It is Ludus that we are here today to celebrate wedding couple's three year old marriage. There has been plenty of love between them and
to their children.
If you sometimes feel like there is no love in your life or
that love has faded, think again. I am sure that even if brothers Amor and Eros
have left due to the harsh daily routines, there is still some Pragma left in
shared refrigerator and full fuel tank in a car. There must be Philia, one
friend to call and some family members who still love you no matter what. Ludus
is the laughter at your child’s face and muddy hand on your shoulder. Philautia
is the heart itself and Agape is a gift given to you everyday.
Congratulations to married couple and long live love between you two!
Speech in a wedding 5th August 2017.
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